
we will rule!!

some updates.

12 march:
feels good to be back in uniform (not to mention that my new watch matches my uniform perfectly, hee..), but it was really great to see the batch together again for possibly the last time b4 we go to our respective ships.. the emo feeling only came at the end of the day, when i realised that this marks the end of our course. a wonderful 4 mths spent at safti.

got posted to my first choice. 185 here i come!! but will still be in tuas, attached to my previous ship RSS Sovereignty to get my BWC and Nav C b4 i go to one of the MGBs.. hope to be in team 1, where hongchuan is slated to take over the NO position.

the briefings by Hd MNTS and 194 SQN CO ended at 3plus. got to go home right after that, as sovy is out sailing. and i thought that would be the earliest i get to go home for months to come..

13 march
went onboard sovy for abt 15 mins today, and met comms o, xo 2, lek and some of the ship crew. the ship was back to change crew b4 going out for another sailing. i didn't sail as i had to collect a chart for a training sortie on thurs. comms o was her usual self when we came onboard, but after the AOs had a quick chat with CO 2, she gave me a pat on my shoulder and said "welcome back". hee.. =)

the ship slipped off at 11plus. i got the chart at abt 1pm, did my chartwork on it only to find out i didn't really have much to do. so i did the most natural thing: i went home. haha.. got home and changed out of my uniform, then went out to have sushi buffet with my fren. bought a nice silver pen to put in my uniform, browsed some magazines at borders while waiting for jason to come over from tuas, then went to amk hub for the first time. koolook is having an opening sale, and jason bought a pair of ray bans last week there. i wanted to go look for casual sunglasses too, only to see that it sells rudy project sunglasses, so i looked at the rydon and other models. the assistant manager then took the m frame for me to compare, and somehow that seems the better choice based on price and comfort.. hmm i'm still considering if i need to spend $250 on a pair of sports sunglasses..

14 march
met team 1's CO and XO today. they seem quite friendly to me, and hoped that i'll guide the other inexperienced (in terms of PV experience) AOs around. i requested to CO that i'll be put in team 1, though nothing is confirmed yet.

2 patrols next week plus 1 duty. not too bad actually. positive thinking!!!


letters from iwo jima. ghost rider. dreamgirls. music and lyrics. paris je t'aime. the pursuit of happyness. rocky balboa. 300.


it ain't over 'til it's over

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you. You're better than that!" -- Rocky Balboa

That's the most lines i heard from stallone in one shot.. haha..


i wanna be like rocky!!!

Risin' up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive

what an inspiring movie.. can't believe it's written and directed by stallone, haha.. i'm referring to rocky II, just watched it at home. bought the dvd of rocky I and II a few weeks ago, in anticipation of the theatre release of "Rocky Bolboa". need to get updated with the previous movies first.. and how i was blown away by the old movies! the simple story of the underdog fighting hard for pride, for glory, for everything they believe in.. plus the genuine love between rocky and adrian.. and firmly believing in God, no matter what happens.. it's such a wonderful film.. i was actually crying and laughing at the same time when i was watching rocky II.. so emo, haha..

waking up early to train, doing one-handed pushups in the dark, running up the steps to the Philadelphia Museum of Art as the sun rises.. what a scene..

oh, my course ended on fri.. got mixed feelings abt the grad ceremony. received my cert from Coscom Commander, whom i admire greatly as a senior officer. but the sad thing is, not everyone was there at the ceremony. well, a fren colin got into a really bad car accident on wed, and is still in hospital right now. brought a sombre note to the whole day. pray for him, yah?