what i did last night
Went for this forum today. would be sitting alone if i didn't bump into pak at the entrance. (pak is a very hot model who did adverts for singtel, pacnet, etc etc.. most recently he's in the baby formula thing showing on tv right now, as the father. but that's besides the point..) anyway, we had to sit in the 3rd row from the front, cos the LT was very crowded. good to see that there are many pple still interested in such topics.
And these are the speakers for today. Steve Chia was supposed to come, but pulled out last min.. man..
And i was less than 3 metres away from Mr Chiam See Tong!! he was the last one to arrive, but the audience clapped and cheered wildly for him.. haha.. 22 years in parliament. always genuine, always sincere in serving the community. respect..
And here is the panel of speakers for today's forum.
From left: Ms Indranee Rajah, a PAP MP for Tanjong Pager GRC.
Mr Chia Ti Lik, Assistant Organizing Secretary, Workers' Party
Mr Kelvin Fu, chairman for the forum. Arts Yr 2 student
Mr Chiam See Tong, opposition MP for Potong Pasir SMC. Leader of SPP
Ms Cherie Lim, graduate from NUS Dept of Political Science. currently director of EKA Training group.
Quite an interesting forum. some good questions raised, some light and funny moments. like once when there was a persistent buzzing sound halfway into Mr Chiam's speech, and he lost his balance a bit and forgot what he was saying. then he joked, "the opposition rallies always get disturbed..." and the audience burst into laughter..
and of course there were some hot topics to be discussed. like the issue of pinning upgrading with elections, whether it's fair for the ruling party to use/withhold certain funds to "discriminate" against opposition ward residents.. the remarks by SM Goh abt lifting the party whip on eric low and sitoh yin pih.. the state of the opposition in singapore.. the diversity of opinions VS integrity of party discipline.. no one talked abt foreign talent though, nor abt fee hikes and rising costs of living in singapore. i guess undergraduates have different expections when dealing with politics. I wished the debates were more robust, but i guess the elections is not full-blown yet. looking forward to see if there will be contest at my ward. can't wait for all the rallies and walk-abouts.. finally i am of the age to vote!! i'm old enough to exercise my right as a citizen of this country, to express my will and desires and direction for the future leadership of singapore!!
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