
the end of poverty.. how to achieve it ?

went for a world bank-linked workshop organised by USP last night, kinda interesting. the speaker was a prof in geog and was very lively and energitc, though he didn't really say anything new that i didn't already knew. but he added in a lot of interesting anecdotes. like how lowly paid the civil servants in some SEA countries are. (a perm sec of 30 yrs civil service experience is paid US$22 a month!) and how this plus lack of education infrastructure plus a bit of culture adds up to make certain countries being a haven for sex trade..

1.1 billion,or 1/6 of the world's population, live in extreme poverty!! these are pple living on less than US$1 per day!! if u are thinking that these are pple living far away and doesn't affect u, then i pity ur soul. if all you are concerned with is thesis, projects, essays, finding part-time jobs, etc etc.. then i think u should wake up and see what is happening around in the world, things that will ultimately affect us. eg, all it takes is a haze to make many singaporeans unable to go to work. the low per capital income in other countries forces officials to be corrupt, resources to be depleted, forests to be burnt illegally, lack of alternative methods, etc.. it doesn't make sense, but it links up!

the ever pessimistic WWF says we are using 1.2 Earths worth of resources to sustain ourselves now, and will need 2.0 Earths by 2050. so the next time u leave the tap running, or have silly water games, think abt this: 1 in 6 pple have no access to safe water; 2.4 billion pple do not have access to adequate sanitation.

pls take a look at this website, it won't take long. just some pictures with a few words. first8.org.


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