
at least i completed the race in one piece...

it was an "exciting" experience.. almost like tour de france, with pro riders forming columns to reduce drag and conserve energy, lots of shouting to get pple to give way.. and a lot a lot of accidents and crashes... real exciting. every km or so, there will be a group of cyclists at the pavement tending to their injuries or trying to fix their bike. near the last stretch, i saw one walking with his bike on his right shoulder and his rear wheel in his left hand. there was a funnier accident, as i was overtaking someone, i think he wasn't looking up. he was probably looking at his gears or pedals. when he looked up, he started to veer left slightly, only to end up very close to the kerb. i heard a very audible "oooh", then he lost balance due to the pebbles and flew forward over his bike! and pam saw a cyclist crash head-on into a barrier!! haiz.. so many accidents.. and on the return leg, i saw an ambulance using the closed lane, meaning someone doing the triathlon got injured so badly..

hmm i shouldn't complain that much.. it only masks my own poor performance. didn't reach my target of 50mins, think i hit only 53mins or so. (my initial target was 40mins, but that was when i still thought the bike leg will be 20km, b4 they changed it to 25km..) due to how the route was planned, we had to stop at traffic light junctions and wait for the traffic police to let us pass. (kinda funny, cos it gave us a chance to chit chat with other cyclists for a while. mainly complaining abt the route, or asking how many rounds must we make in total..) but i am not going to blame it on the road humps and traffic lights, cos i feel that i can push myself further. and i'm not going to comfort myself by saying "i'll do better next time", instead, i WILL do better next time!!
it was also quite a humbling experience.. there were many beautiful bikes out there, with just as competent riders. there was a guy that zoomed past me at more than 40km/h.. my average speed was below 30km/h. well, i shall train harder then, and leave the rest to God. 100% man, 100% God! =)


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